FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
Why do some locations have custom pages including menus and specials, while others don’t?
Only locations that have partnered with Johnstown Eats receive custom pages with their menu, specials and more. Be sure to tell non partnered establishments that you would like to see their menu, specials and more listed on JohnstownEats.com.
How do I find the restaurant I want?
We have multiple ways for you to find the restaurant menus you want. You can simply search by restaurant name in our navigation. You can search by name alphabetically on our restaurants page. Or you can search by category such as location and type of food if you’re on a computer on the restaurants page.
Why am I getting a page that says "nothing found"?
The page you were attempting to access doesn’t exist. It could be something as simple as a spelling error in the address bar. While migrating our original site to our newer design we also had to change a few page locations and that could be causing the problem. Regardless of how you go there, just search for the page you are looking for from that nothing found page or click to start over from the homepage.
What’s the featured establishment?
The featured establishment is our restaurant of the month. When deciding where to eat we hope you consider our featured establishment first.
Being a featured establishment gets your restaurant and menu significantly more exposure on our website. Your page is always 1 click away right there in the main navigation bar. It’s also advertised on our homepage and stands out from the rest on our restaurants list page.
How do I add my establishment to JohnstownEats.com?
If you are the owner of an establishment that can benefit from Johnstown Eats then be sure to request a meeting with Johnstown Eats by contacting us HERE.
How do I advertise my establishment on JohnstownEats.com?
If you are the owner of an establishment that can benefit from Johnstown Eats then be sure to contact us for advertising opportunity information.